Monday, May 28, 2007

Times of Change(Part 4)

Dear Vietnam Veterans,
I have so much to say to you. I can't thank you enough for the ultimate sacrifice you have given to save our country. It must have been horrible fighting in Vietnam. I can understand how you felt when you lost your friends to enemy fire or when you were faced with the decision of killing an enemy soldier. If I lived at your time, I know that fighting for my country would be a valiant thing to do, but all the sacrifice, I don't think I could be as strong as you guys were in defending your people from others. It must have been horrible to kill people. I would guess that many of you never would have thought that you would have a gun in your hand, but I guess that's how it goes. Thinking about war just makes me shiver. Thank you for what you have done for all of us. Everyone in America will honor your courage and bravery in the Vietnam War. Thank you.

Best of Wishes,
Michael Tao

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